A mother ask her son
* Do you want a cookie, Rens?
Since there is no answer from her little son, she asks again.
* Rens, do you want a cookie?
why must I ask you twice?
# Because, mama, I want two cookies!
Jumat, 15 November 2013
Asking and giving direction
# The History Museum or the Art Museum?
* The History Museum, please.
# You go straight ahead, turn right, and then take the second
turning on the left. Keep going along there, across one junction, and it's
right there on your left.
* I go straight ahead, turn right, and then take the second turn on the left.
I go straight ahead, then I across one junction. The museum is on my left.
# You are right.
* Thank you, sir.
# It's alright
Expressions for asking directions
Expressions for asking directions
- can you tell me the way to the (nearest)....?
- Do you know how to get to the....?
- Could you tell me where....is?
- Where can I find....?
Expressions for giving directions
- go left
- turn left
- it's on the left
- take a left
- take the second (turning) on the left
- go right
- turn right
- it's on the right
- take a right
- take the second (turning) on the right
- go ahead
- go straight ahead
- go straight on
No worries mate!
* You're not hiding something from me,eh?
# How come? What made you think so?
* Oh come on, you don't look you're self. Don't beat about the bush!
# I guest, you won't get it. This time, we're not in the same boat.
* Who say so? You haven't told me about it.
# I'd say, forget it.
* You can count on me! You know, I won't let cat out of bag.
# Cat? Whose cat
* There's cat here
# (realizes what the idiom means, laughs)
I know what you mea. You won't tell my secret!
* Well?
# No worries mate! I'm just not being my self today
* I got it, you're in love
Kamis, 14 November 2013
Public Notices (peringatan-peringatan umum)
No smoking! Dilarang merokok!
No parking! Dilarang parkir!
No admittance! Dilarang masuk!
No trespassing! Dilarang masuk!
No entry for all motor vehicles Dilarang masuk untuk kendaraan bermotor
No entry for all vehicles Dilarang masuk untuk semua
No entry for pedal cylists Dilarang masuk untuk pengendara sepeda
No left (right) turn Dilarang belok ke kiri
No U turns Dilarang berputar balik
Beware of the dog! Awas anjing!
Beware of the pickpokets! Awas pencopet!
No thoroughfare Bukan jalan umum
No passing Dilarang melintasi
Public thoroughfare Jalan Umum
Look out! Awas; hati-hati!
Look out for snakes! Awas terhadap ular-ular!
Look out for the bends! Awas ada belokan!
Keep out! Dilarang masuk!
Keep out of the building! Jangan dekat-dekat ke gedung itu!
Keep of the grass Jangan injak rumput itu!
Keep silent! Harap tenang!
Keep calm Harap tenang!
Keep to the right! Jalan sebelah kanan!
Keep to the left! Jalan sebelah kiri!
Mind the step! Awas ada tangga!
Dangerous, High tension current! Berbahaya, listrik tegangan tinggi!
Private property Milik pribadi
Entrance Pintu masuk
Exit Jalan keluar
Emergency exit Pintu darurat
Exit only Jalan hanya untuk keluar
Push Dorong
Pull Tarik
One- way street Jalan satu jurusan
One-way ticket Karcis untuk satu jalan
Down! Turun
Slow down! Jalan pelan-pelan
Drive slow! Jalan pelan-pelan
Slow! Pelan!
Speed limit Batas kecepatan
Road works Perbaikan jalan
Cross roads Persimpangan atau perempatan
Down hill Penurunan
Up hill Pendakian
Keep moving! Jalan terus!
Move up! Ayo maju!
No through road Jalan buntu
No waiting Dilarang berhenti
No stopping for 4 miles Dilarang berhenti sepanjang 4 mil
Slow major road ahead Berhenti di jalan raya di muka
End of motorway Akhir jalur lalulintas cepat
No over talking Dilarang mendahului kendaraan lain
Road works ahead Perbaikan jalan di muka
Level crossing Jalan bercabang
To car park ke tempat parkir
No parking! Dilarang parkir!
No admittance! Dilarang masuk!
No trespassing! Dilarang masuk!
No entry for all motor vehicles Dilarang masuk untuk kendaraan bermotor
No entry for all vehicles Dilarang masuk untuk semua
No entry for pedal cylists Dilarang masuk untuk pengendara sepeda
No left (right) turn Dilarang belok ke kiri
No U turns Dilarang berputar balik
Beware of the dog! Awas anjing!
Beware of the pickpokets! Awas pencopet!
No thoroughfare Bukan jalan umum
No passing Dilarang melintasi
Public thoroughfare Jalan Umum
Look out! Awas; hati-hati!
Look out for snakes! Awas terhadap ular-ular!
Look out for the bends! Awas ada belokan!
Keep out! Dilarang masuk!
Keep out of the building! Jangan dekat-dekat ke gedung itu!
Keep of the grass Jangan injak rumput itu!
Keep silent! Harap tenang!
Keep calm Harap tenang!
Keep to the right! Jalan sebelah kanan!
Keep to the left! Jalan sebelah kiri!
Mind the step! Awas ada tangga!
Dangerous, High tension current! Berbahaya, listrik tegangan tinggi!
Private property Milik pribadi
Entrance Pintu masuk
Exit Jalan keluar
Emergency exit Pintu darurat
Exit only Jalan hanya untuk keluar
Push Dorong
Pull Tarik
One- way street Jalan satu jurusan
One-way ticket Karcis untuk satu jalan
Down! Turun
Slow down! Jalan pelan-pelan
Drive slow! Jalan pelan-pelan
Slow! Pelan!
Speed limit Batas kecepatan
Road works Perbaikan jalan
Cross roads Persimpangan atau perempatan
Down hill Penurunan
Up hill Pendakian
Keep moving! Jalan terus!
Move up! Ayo maju!
No through road Jalan buntu
No waiting Dilarang berhenti
No stopping for 4 miles Dilarang berhenti sepanjang 4 mil
Slow major road ahead Berhenti di jalan raya di muka
End of motorway Akhir jalur lalulintas cepat
No over talking Dilarang mendahului kendaraan lain
Road works ahead Perbaikan jalan di muka
Level crossing Jalan bercabang
To car park ke tempat parkir
At the Restaurant
* Waiter! Can I book double table for two, please?
# Of course, you can, sir.
What would you like to eat, sir?
* Bring us two soups and rices, please. And also two half boiled eggs for each.
# All right, sir. Anything to drink, sir?
* Two glasses of iced-tea. And don't forget to bring us some gravy bean and vinegar, I like something sour.
# Right, sir. Excuse me, sir.
* Thanks alot, sir.
# You're welcome.
+ Thank you for treating me, Jhon
# Of course, you can, sir.
What would you like to eat, sir?
* Bring us two soups and rices, please. And also two half boiled eggs for each.
# All right, sir. Anything to drink, sir?
* Two glasses of iced-tea. And don't forget to bring us some gravy bean and vinegar, I like something sour.
# Right, sir. Excuse me, sir.
* Thanks alot, sir.
# You're welcome.
+ Thank you for treating me, Jhon
Rabu, 13 November 2013
Let's smile for a while
A little boy is talking with his big brother
* I know what you are going to say next
# What?
* See? I know you'd say "What"!
Ahmad proudly tells his mother
* Mother, I got one-hundred in two subjects.
# Fine, Ahmad. What were they?
* Forty in history and sixsty in arithmetic.
The teacher is asking an aritmatic question
* Dino, if you found four hundred rupiahs in your right pocket and
three hundred rupiahs in your left pocket, what would you do?
# I would wear someone else's pants.
All the kids were trying to impress Grandpa, who had come for a visit
Lily boasted saying:
* I'm first in aritmetic, grandpa
Soleh said he had come in first in the spelling bee
Grandpa asked little Dana
* What are you firs in, Dana?
# Well, I'm the first one out the door when the bell rings.
* I know what you are going to say next
# What?
* See? I know you'd say "What"!
Ahmad proudly tells his mother
* Mother, I got one-hundred in two subjects.
# Fine, Ahmad. What were they?
* Forty in history and sixsty in arithmetic.
![]() |
huu..h! |
* Dino, if you found four hundred rupiahs in your right pocket and
three hundred rupiahs in your left pocket, what would you do?
# I would wear someone else's pants.
All the kids were trying to impress Grandpa, who had come for a visit
Lily boasted saying:
* I'm first in aritmetic, grandpa
Soleh said he had come in first in the spelling bee
Grandpa asked little Dana
* What are you firs in, Dana?
# Well, I'm the first one out the door when the bell rings.
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